Tuesday, February 24, 2015

What's on the bench - February 2015

CM Huckleberry Bey in progress

CM Peter Stone Arab in progress.  Just started this one.  It was a headless body I picked up a long time ago.  Lots of work to be done!
Another PS Arab body I have, for comparison.
This is the second time I've worked with this mold.  Above is the first CM I did back in the early 2000's.  Painted in oils by Chris Nandell and retained in my collection.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

A year goes by

Without a post!?  A very busy year with not-much-time for artwork.  I'm trying to fit it in as of late.  Here are a few progress pics of what's on the table right now.  With any luck I'll be able to finish a few of these guys this year. :)
Mane wires and eyeballs verson 2.0 for Huck

Before working on his face

Breyer Jumper resurected from the body box of oblivion

Some primer for Salinero

Planning out on paper my next CM, Totilas to a Mustang